June 15
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Iran continues to receive condolences from friendly countries after the tragic crash of the helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and the people accompanying him. Iran's deputy chief of mission to Armenia, Bahram Toheri, told this to reporters at the Iranian embassy in Armenia Wednesday.

"A very painful and dire incident has happened for the people of Iran. After that incident, we receive messages of condolence from our friendly countries. We receive messages of condolence also from the people and government of our dear friend, Armenia.

On behalf of the [Iranian] ambassador [to Armenia], as well as the entire staff of the [Iranian] embassy, I thank the people and the government of Armenia for this support, and I wish the people of Armenia peace, prosperity, and prosperous days," said the deputy chief of mission.

Toheri added that Mehdi Sobhani, Iran's ambassador to Armenia, left for Iran with the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, to attend the farewell ceremony for the Iranian officials who died in the aforesaid helicopter crash.

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