June 18
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NATO's Regex 2024 staff exercises have started in Moldova, within the framework of which workshops are organized for the training of military personnel in accordance to Western standards, informed the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Moldova.

In the Regex 2024 headquarters military exercises, several scenarios will be implemented in the current year. The first workshop was held from February 16 to March 1, and the second one—from April 22-26.

The exercises were organized with the support of the NATO Joint Force Command Naples (Italy) and are aimed at training the military in accordance with Western standards of planning and conducting exercises, managing crisis situations, increasing the level of operational compatibility of forces in a multinational environment, and evaluating them.

The event will be held from Monday to Friday, and with the participation of about 30 representatives from NATO partner countries—Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Morocco, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Tunisia, Malta, African Union (Ghana and Benin)—as well as officers from the staff of the National Army of Moldova.

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