June 18
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Hraparak daily writes as follows, in part: Reverend [Archbishop] Bagrat [Galstanyan,], leader of the Tavush for the Homeland movement [and Primate of the Diocese of Tavush of the Armenian Apostolic Church], will continue meetings with representatives of various public groups this week, and has already planned a recap rally at the end of the week; if nothing changes, then on May 26.

During the recap rally, the reverend will present the roadmap of the change of power [in Armenia], and the start of more active actions will be given. Until May 26, the parliamentary opposition will neither introduce a motion of no confidence in the parliament's agenda, nor will it come forward with an initiative to change the norm of the Constitution in connection with the abolition of the ban on dual citizens being nominated for the position of prime minister.

Let us note that at Saturday's meeting, representatives of several dozen political forces proposed the reverend as the prime minister's candidate, (…). The previous attempts made regarding the candidacy of any political figure have met with failure, and the opposition has understood that any discussion of any other candidacy other than the reverend will divide the arena.

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