June 04
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The governments of Armenia and Georgia have agreed to start border delimitation work. Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Vahan Kostanyan announced this to reporters on Thursday.

He noted that this process, which has been going on for more than 30 years, should conclude, and both sides have expressed readiness for its resumption. Kostanyan informed that Armenia and Georgia have revitalized the composition of their border delimitation commissions.

"Sessions [of these commissions] have not taken place yet, the countries are doing ‘homework.’ We hope that it will be implemented soon," added the Armenian deputy FM.

He noted that the logic of Armenia’s border delimitation with its neighbors implies the restoration of the boundary in accordance with the Alma Ata declaration of 1991.

Kostanyan emphasized that Armenia and Georgia are carrying out discussions on the implementation of joint infrastructure projects, deepening of political dialogue, and intensification of ties between their peoples.

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