June 18
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The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has announced the deterioration of humanitarian conditions in Gaza due to the continued closure of border crossings under the control of the Israeli military.

"The Palestine Red Crescent Society warns of the deterioration of humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip due to the continued closure of border crossings, following the Israeli occupation forces' control and complete closure of the Rafah crossing,” PRCS said in a statement on X—formerly Twitter.

It added that the suspension of border crossings in the Gaza Strip threatens an imminent humanitarian and health disaster.

The PRCS emphasized that the Rafah crossing, which was closed by the Israeli military on May 7, “is the main artery supply for the entire Gaza Strip,” ensuring the “entry of humanitarian aid, including food, medicine, as well as fuel.”

Stopping it means that famine in the region is imminent.

"Furthermore, the continued prevention of fuel entry threatens the complete collapse of the healthcare system and the shutdown of the remaining hospitals if fuel is not provided to power generators, ambulances, water desalination stations and sewage networks," the organization added.

The PRCS called on the international community to urgently intervene and pressure the Israeli authorities to open border crossings and allow unimpeded, sustainable and unconditional flow of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian enclave.

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